
If you're wondering who or what they are, please look at
The_Araboolies_of_Liberty_Street or samswope

We fondly refer to ourselves as "the Araboolies" because we just don't seem to blend in very well with those around us. Maybe we just live in the wrong place?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to my world!

Well, i am sitting on a large deck at the back of this large house, eye level with beautiful eucalypts and a bright fuchsia-coloured bougainvillea draped high up in the branches. Samuel, Serenity and Israel are enjoying the pool below me, splashing and laughing. Serenity just called me down to show me her new skill - diving properly! I was very impressed.
Theres a lovely cool breeze to compensate
for the warm day.

Today I have been scrubbing the walls, skirting boards, doors and furniture of two of the bedrooms here. Its our investment home that we are hoping to rent out to Uni students this year.

We have surprisingly little food that is interesting to eat, and as its Australia Day (Invasion Day), no shops are open.
So we had baked beans on corn thins for lunch :).
The kids have been watching a few hours of tv today - that dreaded box! We received it free from our church and we will leave it here for the uni students.
The picture on the left is how the camera took the photo of the bougainvillea, the one on the right is me playing with it, to try and show the true colour. Its such a vivid, bright rich pink!

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